Mrs Kary Trent » Mrs. Trent's Reading Intervention

Mrs. Trent's Reading Intervention

Hello! My name is Kary Trent. I am the Reading Interventionist at FMS. I provide reading support to
students. I serve students in Kindergarten through Fourth grade in a small group setting, both in and out
of the classroom. My main goal is to help students LOVE reading and build essential reading skills to be

I have been teaching for fourteen years. I graduated from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in
1997. I have spent the majority of my teaching career in the classroom specializing in early childhood
development. Teaching children to read has always been my passion!

My daily schedule changes frequently with my Reading Intervention groups as students enter and exit
the program during the school year based on their needs. If you have any questions, feel free to email
me at [email protected] or contact the school office at 580-353-4088.