Mr Rocky Flint » Expectations


Here are some things that will help make PE as fun and SAFE as possible this year:


   1. Everyone MUST wear sneakers for safety on their PE days!

   2. Girls should wear shorts under dresses if they have PE that day.

   3. If a student has a medical condition or injury, please send a note/medical excuse.


If a student isn’t dressed appropriately for PE it may result in them not being able to participate as well as loss of daily points.



Grades will be given based on attendance, participation, being dressed to participate in physical activity and behavior. Points will be deducted if class expectations are not met.  Deduction examples include poor attitude, not dressed appropriately, not following directions, or poor sportsmanship. 


For your child to be the most successful, please make sure they follow our PE appropriate dress guidelines on their PE day.