Amanda Bordelon » Mrs. Bordelon

Mrs. Bordelon

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Amanda Bordelon
Intermediate Teacher (5th Gr)
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I am so excited to be teaching fifth grade ELA & Social Studies this year at FMS. I am married with 3 kids. I have been in education for 12 years in the classroom and as a counselor. I am excited for a wonderful year. 
Daily Schedule 
7:40-8:10~ Breakfast, locker and morning routine
8:15-8:20~ Morning Announcements
8:20-10:15~ Reading 5 Holt
10:15-12:15~ Reading 5 Bordelon
12:20-12:40~ Lunch
12:45-1:30~ Specials
1:35-2:05~ Intervention
2:05-2:25~ Recess
2:30-3:00~ Intervention
3:00-3:10~ Lockers
3:15~ Dismissal